Online Reading Tutoring with Maria Feist

Do you have a struggling reader?

Let's close the reading gap in a snap!

My most favorite thing of all is to read aloud to students, read literature with students, and to chat with students about what they are reading. I love hearing their thoughts, ideas, and opinions!

YES! I love reading! 

One part of my mission in life is to support students with all areas of reading! I want your child to be able to read and enjoy all of the opportunities that reading opens up for them.

I love to assess student readers to see what strengths they have and what they need to work on.

After the assessment is completed, I love creating an instructional plan to fill in the reading gaps that I have found.

It may not seem like it is, but learning to read is rocket science! Reading is not a natural activity for our brains the way that learning to speak is for most of us. Learning to read actually requires new paths to be created in our brain!