Online Reading Tutoring with Maria Feist

The policies below will ensure that your Reader gets the most out of every online reading tutoring session!

Tutoring Schedule 

After I have completed your Reader's assessment you will receive a report and a recommendation for weekly tutoring sessions. We will create your Reader's schedule based on your family's availability and my availability.

Tutoring Goals

Included in your Reader's assessment report will be the specific skills and strategies that your Reader needs to work on to move closer to reading on grade level. I will create specific lesson plans for your Reader based on the needs that we see in the assessment report.


To ensure that your Reader is making progress, I will conduct another formal assessment around the 10-11th week of lessons. I will create an assessment report for you to have.


Included with the tutoring tuition of $30 for 30 minutes, is a subscription to RAZ Kids/Vocabulary A-Z, a website that I will be using during instruction with your Reader. There are many digital books that your Reader will be able to listen to, read, record herself or himself reading, and vocabulary activities that your Reader can access at home during the week if he or she chooses to do so. An invoice will be sent to you prior to the tutoring sessions. You can click right on the invoice to pay online. Payments are received before the tutoring sessions. Please let me know your preference to receive an invoice monthly or twice a month. 


Tutoring sessions are conducted via Zoom. Once payment is received a Zoom link will be forwarded to you to access the tutoring sessions. 


If you need to reschedule a session for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. I require 24 hours' notice for rescheduling a session, with the exception of an emergency. I will offer you the same courtesy if I need to reschedule a class. 

I know that our lives our busy, let us try to schedule your Reader at the best possible time for them so that they can continue to make progress weekly without too many interruptions.


You will receive an email communication from me each week that will include what your Reader has worked on in our tutoring sessions that week. Please contact me at any time with your questions.